Burton IPA (6.3%)
Case of 6x or 12x 440ml can
Burton IPA (6.3%)
Description and Tasting Notes
A modern take on the historic Burton IPA style, brewed with the heritage Chevalier barley variety and heavily hopped with East Kent Goldings and Harlequin. Pours a hazy amber with creamy white head. Honey sweetness is a feature of both Burton IPA and Chevalier malt and it’s the backbone of this beer, dominating the flavour along with tangy apple and tangerine fruit. Hints of plum, peach and thyme develop as the glass empties; full but rounded bitterness and a dry, tart fruity finish keeps you coming back for more.
Can conditioned, vegan friendly
Malts: Chevalier
Hops: East Kent Goldings, Harlequin
Yeast: S-04
Other: Sugar